Sunday, June 7, 2009

1886 Murder for Sand Plums

Nescatunga Enterprise - July 10, 1886
Comanche County

The facts as near as we can get them regarding the trouble, which resulted in murder, are about as follows: There is a patch of sand plums on Nelson's place; Wilson persisted in going there to gather plums, notwithstanding Nelson had notified him that he wanted the plums himself.

On Monday preceding the murder, Nelson's father found Willis gathering plums and asked him to desist. Willis used abusive language and informed the old man that he would quit when he got ready.

Tuesday, Nelson and Willis met in the patch; what occurred between them is unknown. A couple of men who were gathering plums some distance from where the murder was committed, say they heard the report of a gun and a minute afterwards saw Willis running, gun in hand towards Calvary Creek.

1 comment:

Amy Lawson in KS said...

Hi Amy,

You're never going to believe this, but my name is Amy Lawson too! I live in south central Kansas (Arkansas City area)and I'm trying to find a local source of Sand Plums. I happened upon your website while looking for photos of the fruit so I could post a request for a source on Craig's List. Imagine my surprise when I saw your web address! How ironic that we should have the same name and share an interest in sand plum jelly making!